Flyers Trivia: Follower Favorites


Good morning everyone and welcome to another edition of Flyers Trivia: Follower Favorites. As you all know this is the trivia segment where we have randomly selected a follower who has correctly answered one or more of our trivia questions for the month. Today's questions will reveal that follower's favorite Flyer.

This month's selection is Eric Cohen. Give Eric a follow on Twitter @ebcinpa. We would also like to thank Eric for his continued support and congratulate him on being selected.

From the clues below, tell us who is Eric's favorite.

1. I played with three different NHL teams over 13 seasons.

2. I spent 11 seasons in Orange and Black.

3. I am a three time winner of the Bobby Clarke Trophy as the team MVP.

4. I was inducted into the Flyers Hall of Fame in 2008.

5. In 1987, I was on the NHL All-Rookie team and was also an NHL first team All Star.

Be sure to leave your answers below, on Facebook or Twitter. Good Luck to everyone. Keep those answers coming for your chance to be our August follower favorite.

Bill Minchin is a contributing writer for Flyerdelphia. Follow Bill on Twitter @wtfd103074

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