Phillies Trivia: Follower Favorites

Phillies Follower

Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of Phillies Trivia: Follower Favorites. All throughout June we asked various trivia questions. We randomly selected one person who answered at least one question correctly. Today we find out who that follower's favorite Phillie is.

First is our selection. For our inaugural edition the follower that was selected was Bob LaRosa. Congratulations on being selected Bob and thank you for your continued support.

From the clues below, tell us who Bob's favorite Phillie is.

1. I played 16 season for 3 MLB teams.

2. I won 2 gold gloves

3. I lead the NL in fielding percentage six times and have the highest fielding percentage of any infielder of all time. 

4. I managed two MLB teams following my playing days, including the Phillies.

Leave you answers below, on Facebook or Twitter.  Today is the first trivia of the new cycle for our follower favorites. All July answers will be eligible for our August segment.  Good luck to everyone.

Bill Minchin is a contributing writer for Philliedelphia. Follow Bill on Twitter @wtfd103074

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