“The Plan” Runs 7 Years According to Dr. J


In news that most definitely will make Howard Eskin happy, Dr. J went on Sirius Radio yesterday and addressed a nagging question that many Sixers fans have these days. That question: when will the Sixers be competitive again? The answer: 7 years.

“Well when they acquired the team in 2012, maybe, I think the talk was about seven years. Seven years. So I think it’s still on that same timeline.”

He goes on to elaborate that the expectation is to be competing for a championship by the end of that 7-year timeline, not to simply start trying to be good. Even given the Embiid news, that seems like a reasonable expectation. The only downside is, if this is true, my bet with my Pops on our first trip to the Finals is looking breaking bleak right now.

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