Writer: Frank Klose

Source: Buster Olney and Jon Heyman Tweeted Something You Probably Then Retweeted

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Posted by Frank Klose

I took this snapshot just seconds after Buster Olney tweeted it.   Already, there were too many retweets to count them.

Yes, Phillies are interested in getting a right-handed bat.   And yes, they want a good one.

Some Twitter Facts:

  • Buster Olney of ESPN has 228,449 followers.  
  • Jon Heyman of SI has 88,300 followers
  • Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports has 102,000 followers.

Other Twitter Fact:

  • If you are on Twitter to follow baseball, you probably are one of those followers.
  • Many of the people you talk to on twitter probably followbaseball, if you use twitter to talk baseball to them.

Well said by Patrick here:
